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Jehovah or Yahweh? (Wayne Jackson)
Questions on Forgiveness and Repentance (Lipscomb and Woods)
Things the Father of the Prodigal Son Did NOT Do (Greg Gwin)
Simply Christians (Dale Smelser)
Teaching Our Kids the Things That Are Most Important (Greg Gwin)
“He Often Refreshed Me” (Frank Himmel)
Things Expected of All Members (Greg Gwin)
A Little Wine For Your Stomach’s Sake (Bryan Matthew Dockens)
Does The Old Testament Justify The Use Of Strong Drink? (Greg Gwin)
Can Those Who Are Sincere Be Wrong? (Donnie V. Rader)
Following The Pattern In Edification (Greg Gwin)
They Say He Is A Liar (Robert Turner)
Will Only 144,000 Be Saved In Heaven (Earl Fly)
Following The Pattern In Benevolence (Greg Gwin)
How Men Act When They Repent (Steve Klein)
Concerning Social Drinking (Ernest A. Finley)
Following The Pattern In Evangelism (Greg Gwin)
The End Is Better Than The Beginning (Roger Shouse)
God Belongs In The Center (Rusty Miller)
What Needs Changing? (Lloyd Atherton)
The Church Is Sufficient (James P. Miller)
Resolutions Require Commitment! (Greg Gwin)
How Well Would You Be? (James Hahn)
Blood and Baptism (T. Doy Moyer)
You Expect Me to Believe That? (Phil Grear)
Being ‘Picky’ (Greg Gwin)
Indiscriminate Forgiveness? (Steven F. Deaton)
“Why Are You So Bitter?” (selected)
Should We Answer, or Not? (Greg Gwin)
The Proof Is In The Doing (Simon Harris)
A Flawed Comparison (Doy Moyer)
An Offer You Shouldn’t Refuse (Greg Gwin)
Being Spiritual (Royce Chandler)
Attending Bible Classes (Barney Keith)
Second Guessing the Apostle Paul (Greg Gwin)
Because It Is Right (Jim R. Everett)
Nothing To Hide! (Bill Crews)
Worst or Best? (David McPherson)
Dealing With The Unrepentant (Greg Gwin)
Bible Classes – What Can I Do? (Bob Dickey)
Now This Is My Interpretation (Robert Turner)
Injured By A Friend! (Greg Gwin)
When a Young Person Grows Old (Mark White)
Genesis 1: Literal Days or Long Ages? (Greg Gwin)
When Church Is Boring (Frank Himmel)
Perils to the Soul (Rick Duggin)
‘End-Time’ Predictions (Greg Gwin)
Proper and Improper Controversy (Irven Lee)
The Scriptures and Gossip (Louis Sharp)
The Bible and Human Creeds (Greg Gwin)
The Indwelling of the Spirit (Bill Hall)
Glory to the Reader or the Writer? (David Diestelkamp)
The ‘Big Hammer’ Mentality (Greg Gwin)
Song Selection (Erin Percell)
What Determines Right? (Bill Crews)
Aim Small, Miss Small (Greg Gwin)
Is It Narrow Minded? (Jere Frost)
Before We Criticize . . . (Heath Rogers)
Design and the Designer (Greg Gwin)
What This Church Offers (Mark W. White)
Abraham Lincoln said of Americans . . .
Let’s Talk About ME! (Greg Gwin)
That Familiar Ring of Truth (Bill Hall)
Do You Understand? Will You Obey? (Selected)
A Plea That Needs To Be Heard (from ‘Life of Luther’, by Michelet)
Do You Really Think You Are the First One to Think of That? (Greg Gwin)
The Church Died! (Joe Fitch)
Led By Whom? (Boyd Sellers)
Church Discipline Works! (Greg Gwin)
Do You Know One? (Huey Hartsell)
Did You Know? (Roger Shouse)
Can We See The Bible Alike? (Johnny Polk)
It Needs No Change (Greg Gwin)
How to Listen In Church (Robert F. Turner)
The Reason Why One is Baptized is Important (Greg Gwin)
Why “Liberal” and “Conservative” Churches of Christ? (Robert Harkrider)
Two Important Verses about Benevolence (Greg Gwin)
Why I Pray (Warren Berkley)
An Abiding Principle (Benjamin Franklin)
Be Careful With Your Words (Greg Gwin)
“It Is Not Reasonable” (Joe Fitch)
“Just As I Am” (Frank Himmel)
Valuing Sparrows (Greg Gwin)
Where Do You Want To Go? (Rick Duggin)
The Importance of Thoughts (Bill Crews)
In Troubling Times (Greg Gwin)
In The Midst Of A Crooked And Perverse Generation (Bill Hall)
President James A. Garfield (selected)
The Cure for Fighting (Greg Gwin)
What Does Legalism Mean? (Warren E. Berkley)
‘For The Show’ (Greg Gwin)
Brotherly Love – The Real Test (Bill Hall)
How Is Your Vision? (Frank Himmel)
Camouflage (Greg Gwin)
Better Be Careful (Dee Bowman)
Once for All (Billy Norris)
Sober Minded in Every Sense of the Term (David Diestelkamp)
The Importance of Bible Study (Frank Himmel)
Demonstrating Our Love (Greg Gwin)
The Sin of Murmuring (Earl Fly)
What My Giving ‘Says’ (Greg Gwin)
Sometimes It Is Not Enough! (Aubrey Belue)
Need For Specific Preaching (James Hahn)
Three Kinds of Christians (Greg Gwin)
Shame on Herodias’ Daughter (Russ Bowman)
Can We See The Bible Alike? (Johnny Polk)
Moral Relativity vs. Moral Clarity (Steven F. Deaton)
Correct Application of Matthew 18 (Greg Gwin)
Check Your Tongue (Michael Pickford)
We Love You This Much (David McPherson)
Six Questions For Young People (David Riggs)
Using God ‘Bed-Side Manner’ (Greg Gwin)
A Church Kitchen at Jerusalem? (Frank Himmel)
“Depart From Me . . . ” (Bob Craig)
Lack Of Confidence In God (R. L. Whiteside)
But, What About Him? (Greg Gwin)
A Simple Verse About Right And Wrong (Frank Himmel)
Running Amuck Online (Al Diestelkamp)
Claiming ‘Victim’ Status (Greg Gwin)
The Truth Sometimes Hurts (Jonathan Perz)
Beware of Normal (Larry Walker)
Should We Be “Tolerant”? (Greg Gwin)
Two Men Disagree With the Preacher (Bill Hall)
The Kingdom Is The Church (Terry Sanders)
Would God Ever Require Unlawfully Married People to Separate? (Greg Gwin)
Serving God by Serving Others (Gene Taylor)
Did Jesus Use Carnal Methods to Attract Crowds? (Greg Gwin)
Teaching the Old Lessons (Mark White)
It Takes Courage (selected)
Public Prayers (Greg Gwin)
Who Cares? (Dan Shipley)
What Men Have Done to Hell (Bill Crews)
Change (Greg Gwin)
Easter Sunday (Johnie Edwards)
Neither Protestant nor Catholic (Robert Hines)
“Depart From Me” (Bob Craig)
Solar Eclipse – Evidence for Us! (Greg Gwin)
The Joy of Worshipping God Together (Bob Crawley)
Forgiveness – 6th/final in a series (Greg Gwin)
A Different Point of View! (Dan Gulley)
Closet Convictions (Dan Shipley)
Forgiveness – 5th in a series (Greg Gwin)
Avoid Backbiting (Brad Phillips)
The Need for Distinctive Preaching (Jim Deason)
Forgiveness – 4th in a series (Greg Gwin)
Cliquishness (Kyle Pope)
Forgiveness – 3rd in a series (Greg Gwin)
“Better to be of a Humble Spirit” (R. J. Evans)
No Reason To Believe The Atheists . . . (C. S. Lewis)
Forgiveness – 2nd in a series (Greg Gwin)
Discouraged, Disappointed, Disenchanted, Disconnected, Disillusioned, Disheartened, Disengaged (Jonathan Perz)
Consider this . . . (selected)
What Makes The Difference? (selected)
Forgiveness – 1st in a series (Greg Gwin)
Who Wrote the Bible? (J.C. Choate)
The Kingdom Is The Church (Terry Sanders)
An Uncertain Sound (Greg Gwin)
A Strong Church (R.J. Evans)
A Big Commitment (Dan Gulley)
‘Drive’ A Mile In His Shoes (Greg Gwin)
Better Worship During Preaching (Roger Shouse)
Limiting God (Greg Gwin)
Unjust Criticism (Bob Hines)
Immersed in Jesus (Steve Klein)
FIRST (Roger Shouse)
Heaven & Hell: Most Believe, But Few Think They Will Go to Hell (Greg Gwin)
Jesus Washed Feet, Should We? (J.F. Dancer, Jr.)
Bible Classes (Hershel Patton)
Membership in a Local Congregation (Greg Gwin)
Some Questions about Your Baptism (Bill Crews)
“Who’s On First?” (Greg Gwin)
The End Is Better Than The Beginning (Roger Shouse)
Second Mile Religion (Rick Duggin)
What Shall We Call It? (selected)
I Can Do That! (Greg Gwin)
Where Did Christmas Originate & Who Authorized It? (David Padfield)
What About the Salvation Army? (David Padfield)
What About Christmas? (Paul C. Keller)
NOT December 25th! (Greg Gwin)
Christmas – IN REVERSE!!! (Greg Gwin)
A Beauty Context (Robert Hines)
Memorizing Scripture (Greg Gwin)
Emphasizing The Basics (Roger Hillis)
Too Much? (selected)
Working with Elders (Greg Gwin)
Lessons from Zacchaeus (John R. Gibson)
The Bible is Understandable (Dwight McGee)
Facing the Challenges (Greg Gwin)
“Just As I Am” (Frank Himmel)
Do We Lay It To Heart? (Robert F. Turner)
Things Done Too Soon (Greg Gwin)
5 Views of Baptism: What View Do You Hold? (Steven J. Wallace);
The Fundamentals (Allen Smith)
Don’t Follow That Link!!! (Greg Gwin)
Is The New Testament Trustworthy? (via House-to-House);
Living Up to the Name (Shane Williams)
“Everything Happens for a Reason” (Greg Gwin)
How to Avoid a Spiritual Failure (Paul Earnhart);
Be Careful What You ‘Like’ (Greg Gwin)
Return to the Lord (Warren E. Berkeley);
Men (A. Hugh Clark)
‘Beholding the Evil and the Good’ (Greg Gwin)
Can You Do Better? (John Duvall);
Tolerance (Greg Gwin)
A Great Evangelistic Tool (Scott Smelser);
‘He Preached Right at Me’ (James Hahn)
Gossip’s Corrupt Fruit (Tom Moody)
“Thou Hast Left Thy First Love” (Greg Gwin)
God Is on the Throne Not on Stage (Dalton Key);
Keeping Our Word & Paying Our Debts (Bill Crews)
At Your Weakest Moment (Greg Gwin)
What Will I Leave Behind? (Frank Himmel);
When 2 Billion People Are Watching (Brent Petrillo)
Religion: The New ‘Dirty Word’ (Greg Gwin)
When the Undertaker Died (Jim Faughn);
How We React (John McPherson)
Don’t Get Cheated (David McPherson)
“Nobody Is Doing Anything” (Greg Gwin)
Evaluating New Songs (Mark Roberts);
“We Love You” (Greg Gwin)
Amen! (Paul Earnhart);
“I’m At Peace With My God” (Greg Gwin)
Being An Enabler (Rick Liggin);
“It Was Donated By Individuals” (Frank Himmel)
Earthquakes (Greg Gwin)
Heaven-Bound (Troy Nicholson);
You Can Go To Heaven (Mark White)
Food, Gimmicks, and Recreation (Jeff May)
“I Disagree” (Greg Gwin)
You Expect Me to Believe That? (Phil Grear);
Jesus and Mohammed Contrasted (Greg Gwin)
God’s Ark (Frank Himmel);
Foolish Disregard (Gary Henry)
“Full of Dead Men’s Bones” (Greg Gwin)
“I’m Gay and God Loves Me” (Bill Beasley);
Use NIV With Caution (Greg Gwin)
Repentance (Don Wright);
Wide Open (Greg Gwin)
Do To Others (Robert F. Turner);
Do You Know Everything? (James Hahn)
Judging The One Who Judges (Greg Gwin)
What Determines Right? (Bill Crews);
Are You A Tree Or A Post? (Leslie Diestelkamp)
Why Some Are Not Asked (R.L. Whiteside)
The Failure of End-Time Prophecies (Greg Gwin)
To Husbands and Fathers (Rick Duggin);
To Wives and Mothers (Rick Duggin)
Saved in Childbearing (Greg Gwin)
Improve Your Life (Frank Himmel);
What Is Wrong? (selected)
To Hell In A Good Humor (Greg Gwin)
“Preach the Text” (David Posey);
Re-Stating an Abiding Principle (Benjamin Franklin)
Searching for Non-Extremists? (Greg Gwin)
“That’s My Teacher!” (David Thomley);
Getting ‘Used To’ Sin (Boyd Sellers)
Heard From God Lately? (Greg Gwin)
What Are You Looking For In A Church? (James E. Cooper);
True Life (Bill Hall)
Born Again (Greg Gwin)
The Origin of the Bible (Wayne Jackson);
Disguising the Bad (Greg Gwin)
The Folly of Worldliness (Jere Frost);
What Are Your Goals? (Greg Gwin)
Bible Classes: What Can I Do? (Bob Dickey);
The Importance of Choosing the Right Mate (Steve Higgenbotham)
Can We/Should We Expect ‘Fruits of Repentance’? (Greg Gwin)
The Consequences of Procrastination (H. E. Phillips);
Limping Between the Two (James Hahn)
Temptation: Jesus’ and Ours (Greg Gwin)
Neither Protestant nor Catholic (Robert Hines);
Visual Aids (Dwain Laws)
Something’s Not Right (James Hahn)
Preventive Maintenance (Greg Gwin)
Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ (Irvin Himmel);
About Jesus . . . (Philip Schaff)
What the Baptists Really Teach About ‘The Impossibility of Apostasy’ (Greg Gwin)
The Intolerance and Lies of Open-Mindedness (Doy Moyer);
Rejecting the Counsel of God (J. A. Harding)
Kicking The Tires (Greg Gwin)
Welcoming Newcomers (Bill Hall);
Taking Things for Granted (Greg Gwin)
Entertainment or Worship? (Steven F. Deaton);
The Problem of Apathy (Steve Cawthon)
Two Types of Workers (Greg Gwin)
Positive Preaching (Robert Welch);
“Truth Does Not Fear Investigation” (David McPherson)
Calvinist Caught In A Trap (Greg Gwin)
Attitudes Toward Preaching (Roger Hillis);
A Biblical ‘Need-to-Know’ Policy (Greg Gwin)
How Do I Know There Really Is A God? (John D. Morris);
Neglected Issues (Dan Shipley)
“Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out” (Greg Gwin)
Are You? (John Clark);
Slaves to Recreation (James W. Adams)
The Failure of Secular Appeals (Greg Gwin)
Look Unto Realms Above (L. A. Stauffer);
Be Careful, You’re Bending That Twig (Leslie Diestelkamp)
Used Cars and Troubled Souls (Greg Gwin)
Better To Be Of A Humble Spirit (R. J. Evans);
Misunderstanding About Church Discipline (Greg Gwin)
Something Learned From Mules (W. R. Jones);
Why Churches Die (Mark W. White)
Take It Home (Greg Gwin)
Tolerating Black Shoes (Robert F. Turner);
Seed and Soil (Jim R. Everett)
He Being Dead Yet Speaketh (Greg Gwin)
Telling Others They Are Wrong (J. F. Dancer);
Deep Roots (Shane Williams)
Taking Inventory of Your Abilities and Opportunities (Greg Gwin)
Wake Up! (Marvin A. Noble);
Second Mile Religion (Rick Duggin)
‘I Don’t Want My Kids To Be Different’ (Greg Gwin)
The End Is Better Than The Beginning (Roger Shouse);
Mature Love (David Maxson)
I Can Do That! (Greg Gwin)
What About Christmas? (Paul C. Keller);
Where Did Christmas Originate & Who Authorized It? (David Padfield)
Some Facts About Christmas (Tom Moody)
Developing a Proper Attitude toward Reading the Bible (Greg Gwin)
The Bible Is Understandable (Dwight McGee);
Big “I” (Ray Ferris)
Jesus’ Law on Marriage (#7) (Greg Gwin)
Truth and Error: How to Tell the Difference (Steve Klein);
Cleanliness, Godliness (David Lipscomb)
Are You Taking Your Medicine? (J. D. Williams)
Jesus’ Law on Marriage (#6) (Greg Gwin)
Sojourners & Pilgrims (Ed Brand);
You, Me, and The Bible (Eugene Britnell)
Irony (Bryan Matthew Dockens)
Jesus’ Law on Marriage (#5) (Greg Gwin)
The Sin of Hypocrisy (David McPherson);
“Do To Others . . .” (Robert F. Turner)
Pointed Perceptions (Perry Hurst)
Jesus’ Law on Marriage (#4) (Greg Gwin)
When You Read The Scriptures (Johnie Edwards);
Which Ones Have You Encouraged? (David Thomley)
Jesus’ Law on Marriage (#3) (Greg Gwin)
Spiritual Tragedy (Bill Hall);
The Godhead? (Roger Hillis)
Jesus’ Law on Marriage (#2) (Greg Gwin)
Living in the Danger Zone (Tony Mauck);
Trying to Adapt the Church to Everybody (Sewell Hall)
The Simplicity of the Gospel (Bob Hines)
Jesus’ Law on Marriage (#1) (Greg Gwin)
You Can . . . But You Can’t (B. G. Hope);
Are You Interested? (Rick Duggin)
The Church Died (Joe Fitch)
Signs That One Is or Is Not Truly Converted to The Lord (Greg Gwin)
The First One to Plead His Cause Seems Right (Bryan Matthew Dockens);
What Is Tolerated Today Becomes Accepted Tomorrow (Dick Millwee)
“He Beareth Not The Sword In Vain” (Greg Gwin)
God’s Plan of Church Finance (Wright Randolph);
Bring Them In – To What? (J. David Lawrence)
‘It’s In The Greek’ (Greg Gwin)
10 Ways You Can Help Your Gospel Meeting (Kevin Maxey);
Foolish Disregard (Gary Henry)
Our Gospel Meeting (Greg Gwin)
‘Almost’ Is Not Enough (Barney Keith);
A Good, Lost Man (Rick Duggin)
Don’t Push Me! (Aude McKee);
Practical Rules For A Happy Married Life (Johnny Ramsey)
Building My Case by Comparing to the Least (Greg Gwin)
Distinctive Preaching (James Hahn);
Being “On Time” For Worship (Barney Keith)
‘It Doesn’t Say Not To’ (Greg Gwin)
Who Built the Church? (Irvin Himmel);
Mysteries of Life (William Jennings Bryan)
Simple Steps in the Plan of Salvation (Greg Gwin)
Zealousness and Knowledge (Larry R. Houchen);
Our Duties to the Local Congregation (Greg Gwin)
Encourage Children To Be Spiritually Minded (Steven Deaton);
“Shamefastness” and Dress (Jerry Fite)
‘Because I Said So!’ (Greg Gwin)
The Shame of Nakedness (via The Belleview Messenger);
There Is a Little Church (Robert F. Turner)
Spontaneous Generation of Life: A Scientific Impossibility (Greg Gwin)
Who Wrote The Bible? (J.C. Choate);
The Lord Is My Helper (Billy Boyd)
“Teachers After Their Own Lusts” (Hoyd Houchen)
Stay Focused On The Important Work Of The Church (Greg Gwin)
They Need to Repent Also (Arthur M. Ogden);
The Average (Forrest Moyer)
What If Everyone Was Like Me? (Steve Hardin)
How Is Your Faith? (Marvin Noble)
Be Positive About Your Evangelism (Greg Gwin)
The New Testament Church and Its Work (A. C. Grider)
Two Looks at Judgment (Ronnie Milliner)
Thinking Too Highly of Self (Greg Gwin)
Drawing Strength from The Courage of Others (Bill Hall)
What Will You Do With Sin? (Jeff May)
Pray Without Ceasing (Greg Gwin)
Truth and Error: How to Tell the Difference (Steve Klein)
Big “I” (Ray Ferris)
What Are You Worth? (Greg Gwin)
You Can Count on Me (Frank Himmel)
Before We Criticize . . . (Heath Rogers)
Fault Finding (Greg Gwin)
The Culture of No Consequences (David Hartsell)
Are You Taking Your Medicine? (J.D. Williams)
Murphy’s Law and Eternity (Greg Gwin)
“Do To Others . . .” (Robert F. Turner);
Pointed Perceptions (Perry Hurst)
The Decision Has Been Made (Bob Moorehead);
Achieving Our Full Potential (Greg Gwin)
When You Read The Scriptures (Johnie Edwards)
The Sin of Hypocrisy (David McPherson)
Being Like The Pharisees (Greg Gwin)
Bare Facts (Bob Crawley)
One Sinner Destroys Much Good (Ron Daly)
Leisure Time (Greg Gwin)
Praying “In Jesus’ Name” (Mark W. White);
Gossip: Easy, Enjoyable Sinning (Greg Gwin)
Tuning to the Standard (Warren Berkley);
Why Hymn Books But Not Pianos? (Steve Fontenot)
Why Do We Keep Hearing This “Campbellite” Stuff? (James Boyd);
Evolution In Action? (Greg Gwin)
Church Membership (William V. Beasley);
Evasive Maneuvers (Greg Gwin)
Life’s Countdown (Shane Williams);
The Bible on Acceptable Worship (Patrick Farish)
12 Evidences I Have “Lost My First Love” (Mark White);
“The Whole Counsel of God” (Greg Gwin)
The Basis for Religious Unity (W. A. Moody);
Reinstated? (Bill Hall)
The Church Is Sufficient (James P. Miller)
Immaturity (Frank Himmel);
What Are The “New Heavens & New Earth”? (Greg Gwin)
Should Christians Observe Easter? (Ferrell Jenkins);
A Pioneer Preacher Proves A Point About Infant Baptism (Greg Gwin)
Shrewd Sons (Frank Himmel);
Possible or Impossible (Bill Crews)
Blessings & Reverses (Leroy Brownlow);
Attendance (Greg Gwin)
Worship or Entertainment? (Bob Prichard)
There Is Nothing For Me To Do (Don Deffenbaugh)
What’s Wrong With ‘Situation Ethics’? (Greg Gwin)
Self-Control (Bill Hall);
Just Say, “No” (L.A. Stauffer)
Will Your Children Go To Heaven? (Ron Readhimer);
“I Will, But Not Right Now” (Greg Gwin)
“Such As I Am” (James Hahn)
Joint Efforts Result in Conversion (Frank Himmel)
A Prepared Heart (Glenn Melton
Words of Encouragent (Greg Gwin)
Gossip’s Corrupt Fruit (Tom Moody)
No, We Are Not Infallible (Warren Berkley)
Train Up A Child (Greg Gwin)
Five Smooth Stones of Parenting (Sewell Hall)
Things to Know Before You Meet the Judge (Greg Gwin)
Are You Too Busy? (Roger Shouse)
Dumbing Down Christianity (Phil Robertson)
Things to Learn (Greg Gwin)
How We Are Making Conversions (Greg Gwin)
Where Do We Find New Converts? (Greg Gwin)
Can You March Without Music? (A. W. Criswold)
A Dozen Ways to Murder a Church (Mark White)
The Importance of Thoughts (Bill Crews)
Clothes and Culture (Greg Gwin)
The Point of No Return (Tom Wacaster)
When Nobody Notices (Shane Williams)
Be Careful About Placing Stumbling Blocks Before Others (Greg Gwin)
Two Men Have an Unfaithful Child (John R. Gibson);
The Church’s Purpose (Bill Hall)
Keeping Things “Mended” (Greg Gwin)
Truth’s Consequences (Bill Hall);
The Problem of Apathy (Steve Cawthon)
“Let’s Go Brandon” (Wade Shelton);
Forgiving Others (Greg Gwin)
The Culture of No Consequences (David Hartsell);
Rend Your Heart (Tim Johnson)
Should This Be Told or Not? (Greg Gwin)
Home Schooling Our Kids (Mark W. White);
You Can – But You Can’t (Grover Stevens)
“I Don’t See Anything Wrong With That” (James Hahn);
Choosing Friends (James E. Cooper)
Think You Can Convert Him/Her After You Are Married? (Greg Gwin)
Improve Your Life (via Manslick Road Speaker);
Toward Better Communication (Sewell Hall)
God’s Plan (Bill Walton);
Where Will I Be In Another Year? (Greg Gwin)
Archived Bulletins